I am Alessandro Amedei

Florence based, I am a software developer

About me
Hi! My name is Alessandro, I am 23 years old, I am based in Florence and I am a software developer. Right now (september 2020), I am a bachelor degree student in Computer Engineering at the University of Florence. I graduated in 2016 from "Computers and Telecomunications" High School. Currently I am working with some companies in the technology field.
My working expierences
05/2020 - open
Software Engineer
Realized hybrid application for Android, IOS and Desktop
04/2020 - open
NIX Logistics
Software Engineer
Designed and developed a NodeJS API for fridges reservation. Developed hybrid application (android,ios,pwa) with VueJS, Vuetify and Capacitor.
09/2018 - 12/2019
Firenze Race Team (Unifi)
Telemetry Engineer
Designed and developed a real time telemetry system for Formula SAE's car.
04/2016 - open
Acciaio Quattro s.r.l
Software Engineer
Designed and developed web applications and android applications
Designed and developed rotating welding machine
06/2015 - 07/2015
Stage, UDOO - University of Siena
Software Engineer
Designed and developed serial comunication protocol between SAM3X and Cortex microprocessor
Professional skills
Contact me
email: alessandroamedei18@gmail.com
phone number: +39 347 7742956